• Films & Fashion

    The Classics Of Bollywood Period Films

    Period dramas are the perfect way to escape reality for a few hours. They highlight fascinating narratives that range from romantic relationships to battles, offering hours of entertainment and daydreaming. There has been an incredible resurgence of this genre, from Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in Devdas to Alia Bhatt in Kalank.  A major reason why the period pieces continue to captivate audiences is the aesthetics of the film. For each character to create, sculpt, and communicate their personalities to further the plot, fashion is essential. Here is our selection of Bollywood costume dramas that you really must see if you want…

  • Blog - Psychology

    Exploring The Dark Side Of Groupism

    How does it feel, sitting in a corner with mind full of countless thoughts at the tip of your tongue?  This is exactly what GROUPISM feels like.  There’s a bunch of friends giggling, sharing sorrows, having day outs. And suddenly you realize you are all alone. Groupism can convert positive mind to a suicidal one. Victims of Groupism are left alone searching for people with whom the want to share things. From being a friendly energetic chap groupism can make one a depressed fellow individual who has already forgotten how to smile. Mental health degrades day by day. It looks…